Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just a little green box

After adding the white stripes, I started with the pink parts of the rose buds, applying a darker shade at the base. This was followed by the leaves, some shading, then the stems and curly stems. Ta Daaaa!
The first task was to clean up the box and add several coats of green paint. There were a lot of flaws to hide.

This is the little old wooden box I found at a thrift shop. It looked pretty sad.


  1. Oh this is just lovely. My favorite color is green and who can resist pink?!

  2. What a beautiful transformation, it's amazing what a little paint will do! Love the rose buds!!!
    Blessings~~~ Daphne

  3. Man, I wish I could paint like that...and I wish I could find good stuff at my Goodwill...fantastic job!!
